
class mrpro.phantoms.brainweb.BrainwebTissue[source]

Bases: object

Container for parameters of a single tissue.

Attributes are either single values or ranges. If ranges, values are sampled uniformly from within this range by the sample_r1, sample_r2, and sample_m0 methods. If a single value is given, this value is returned by the respective method.

__init__(t1: float | tuple[float, float], t2: float | tuple[float, float], m0_abs: float | tuple[float, float], m0_phase: float | tuple[float, float] = 0.0) None
m0_phase: float | tuple[float, float] = 0.0

Phase value or range (Phase_min, Phase_max) of the complex M0 in radians.

t1: float | tuple[float, float]

T1 value or range (T1_min, T1_max) in seconds.

t2: float | tuple[float, float]

T2 value or range (T2_min, T2_max) in seconds.

m0_abs: float | tuple[float, float]

Absolute value or range (M0_min, M0_max) of the complex M0.

sample_m0(rng: None | Generator = None) Tensor[source]

Get (possibly randomized) complex m0 value.


rng (None | Generator, default: None) – Random number generator. None uses the default generator.

sample_r1(rng: None | Generator = None) Tensor[source]

Get (possibly randomized) r1=1/t1 value.


rng (None | Generator, default: None) – Random number generator. None uses the default generator.

sample_r2(rng: None | Generator = None) Tensor[source]

Get (possibly randomized) r2=1/t2 value.


rng (None | Generator, default: None) – Random number generator. None uses the default generator.


Return self==value.
