Cartesian Sampling Operator. |
Transformation to map real-valued tensors to certain ranges. |
Density Compensation Operator. |
A Linear Operator that implements sum products in Einstein notation. |
Elementary functional base class. |
Elementary proximable functional base class. |
Fast Fourier operator class. |
Finite Difference Operator. |
Fourier Operator class. |
Functional Base Class. |
Grid Sampling Operator. |
The Identity Operator. |
General Linear Operator. |
Matrix of Linear Operators. |
Magnitude of input tensors. |
The Identity Operator. |
The general Operator class. |
PCA based compression operator. |
Phase of input tensors. |
ProximableFunctional Base Class. |
Separabke Sum of Proximable Functionals. |
Functional scaled by a scalar. |
Proximable Functional scaled by a scalar. |
Sensitivity operator class. |
Signal Model Operator. |
Slice Projection Operator. |
Wavelet operator class. |
A constant zero operator. |
Zero Pad operator class. |