
class mrpro.phantoms.EllipsePhantom(ellipses: Sequence[EllipseParameters] | None = None)[source]

Bases: object

Numerical phantom as the sum of different ellipses.


ellipses – ellipses defined by their center, radii and intensity. if None, defaults to three ellipses

__init__(ellipses: Sequence[EllipseParameters] | None = None)[source]

Initialize ellipse phantom.


ellipses – Sequence of EllipseParameters defining the ellipses. if None, defaults to three ellipses with different parameters.



Initialize ellipse phantom.


Create image representation of phantom.

kspace(ky, kx)

Create 2D analytic kspace data based on given k-space locations.

image_space(image_dimensions: SpatialDimension[int]) Tensor[source]

Create image representation of phantom.


image_dimensions – number of voxels in the image This is a 2D simulation so the output will be (1 1 1 image_dimensions.y image_dimensions.x)

kspace(ky: Tensor, kx: Tensor) Tensor[source]

Create 2D analytic kspace data based on given k-space locations.

For a corresponding image with 256 x 256 voxel, the k-space locations should be defined within [-128, 127]

The Fourier representation of ellipses can be analytically described by Bessel functions [KOA2007].

  • ky – k-space locations in ky

  • kx – k-space locations in kx (frequency encoding direction). Same shape as ky.



Koay C, Sarlls J, Oezarslan E (2007) Three-dimensional analytical magnetic resonance imaging phantom in the Fourier domain. MRM 58(2)