
class mrpro.operators.SliceProjectionOp[source]

Bases: LinearOperator

Slice Projection Operator.

This operation samples from a 3D Volume a slice with a given rotation and shift (relative to the center of the volume) according to the slice_profile. It can, for example, be used to describe the slice selection of a 2D MRI sequence from the 3D Volume.

The projection will be done by sparse matrix multiplication.

slice_rotation, slice_shift, and slice_profile can have (multiple) batch dimensions. These dimensions will be broadcasted to a common shape and added to the front of the volume. Different settings for different volume batches are NOT supported, consider creating multiple operators if required.

__init__(input_shape: SpatialDimension[int], slice_rotation: Rotation | None = None, slice_shift: float | Tensor = 0.0, slice_profile: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] | ndarray | NestedSequence[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]] | float = 2.0, optimize_for: Literal['forward', 'adjoint', 'both'] = 'both')[source]

Create a module that represents the ‘projection’ of a volume onto a plane.

This operation samples from a 3D Volume a slice with a given rotation and shift (relative to the center of the volume) according to the slice_profile. It can, for example, be used to describe the slice selection of a 2D MRI sequence from the 3D Volume.

The projection will be done by sparse matrix multiplication.

Rotation, shift, and profile can have (multiple) batch dimensions. These dimensions will be broadcasted to a common shape and added to the front of the volume. Different settings for different volume batches are NOT supported, consider creating multiple operators if required.

  • input_shape (SpatialDimension[int]) – Shape of the 3D volume to sample from. (z, y, x)

  • slice_rotation (Rotation | None, default: None) – Rotation that describes the orientation of the plane. If None, an identity rotation is used.

  • slice_shift (float | Tensor, default: 0.0) – Offset of the plane in the volume perpendicular plane from the center of the volume. (The center of a 4 pixel volume is between 1 and 2.)

  • slice_profile (Union[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], ndarray, NestedSequence[Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]], float], default: 2.0) – A function returning the relative intensity of the slice profile at a position x (relative to the nominal profile center). This can also be a nested Sequence or an numpy array of functions. See mrpro.utils.slice_profiles for examples. If it is a single float, it will be interpreted as the full-width-at-half-maximum (FWHM) of a rectangular profile.

  • optimize_for (Literal['forward', 'adjoint', 'both'], default: 'both') – Whether to optimize for forward or adjoint operation or both. Optimizing for both takes more memory but is faster for both operations.

property H: LinearOperator[source]

Adjoint operator.

Obtains the adjoint of an instance of this operator as an AdjointLinearOperator, which itself is a an LinearOperator that can be applied to tensors.

Note: linear_operator.H.H == linear_operator

property gram: LinearOperator[source]

Gram operator.

For a LinearOperator \(A\), the self-adjoint Gram operator is defined as \(A^H A\).


This is the inherited default implementation.

__call__(*args: Unpack[Tin]) Tout[source]

Apply the forward operator.

For more information, see forward.


Prefer using operator_instance(*parameters), i.e. using __call__ over using forward.

adjoint(x: Tensor) tuple[Tensor][source]

Transform from a 2D slice to a 3D Volume.


x (Tensor) – 2D Slice with shape (..., 1, max(z, y, x), (max(z, y, x))) with z, y, x matching the input_shape


A 3D Volume with shape (..., z, y, x) – with` z, y, x` matching the input_shape

forward(x: Tensor) tuple[Tensor][source]

Transform from a 3D Volume to a 2D Slice.


x (Tensor) – 3D Volume with shape (..., z, y, x) with z, y, x matching the input_shape


A 2D slice with shape (..., 1, max(z, y, x), (max(z, y, x)))

static join_matrices(matrices: Sequence[Tensor]) Tensor[source]

Join multiple sparse matrices into a block diagonal matrix.


matrices (Sequence[Tensor]) – List of sparse matrices to join by stacking them as a block diagonal matrix

static projection_matrix(input_shape: SpatialDimension[int], output_shape: SpatialDimension[int], rotation: Rotation, offset: Tensor, w: int, slice_function: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor], rotation_center: Tensor | None = None) Tensor[source]

Create a sparse matrix that represents the projection of a volume onto a plane.

Outside the volume values are approximately zero padded

  • input_shape (SpatialDimension[int]) – Shape of the volume to sample from

  • output_shape (SpatialDimension[int]) – Shape of the resulting plane, 2D. Only the x and y values are used.

  • rotation (Rotation) – Rotation that describes the orientation of the plane

  • offset (Tensor) – Shift of the plane from the center of the volume in the rotated coordinate system in units of the 3D volume, order z, y, x

  • w (int) – Factor that determines the number of pixels that are considered in the projection along the slice profile direction.

  • slice_function (Callable[[Tensor], Tensor]) – Function that describes the slice profile. See mrpro.utils.slice_profiles for examples.

  • rotation_center (Tensor | None, default: None) – Center of rotation, if None the center of the volume is used, i.e. for 4 pixels 0 1 2 3 it is between 1 and 2


torch.sparse_coo_matrix – Sparse matrix that represents the projection of the volume onto the plane

operator_norm(initial_value: Tensor, dim: Sequence[int] | None, max_iterations: int = 20, relative_tolerance: float = 1e-4, absolute_tolerance: float = 1e-5, callback: Callable[[Tensor], None] | None = None) Tensor[source]

Power iteration for computing the operator norm of the operator.

  • initial_value (Tensor) – initial value to start the iteration; must be element of the domain. if the initial value contains a zero-vector for one of the considered problems, the function throws an ValueError.

  • dim (Sequence[int] | None) –

    The dimensions of the tensors on which the operator operates. The choice of dim determines how the operator norm is inperpreted. For example, for a matrix-vector multiplication with a batched matrix tensor of shape (batch1, batch2, row, column) and a batched input tensor of shape (batch1, batch2, row):

    • If dim=None, the operator is considered as a block diagonal matrix with batch1*batch2 blocks and the result is a tensor containing a single norm value (shape (1, 1, 1)).

    • If dim=(-1), batch1*batch2 matrices are considered, and for each a separate operator norm is computed.

    • If dim=(-2,-1), batch1 matrices with batch2 blocks are considered, and for each matrix a separate operator norm is computed.

    Thus, the choice of dim determines implicitly determines the domain of the operator.

  • max_iterations (int, default: 20) – maximum number of iterations

  • relative_tolerance (float, default: 1e-4) – absolute tolerance for the change of the operator-norm at each iteration; if set to zero, the maximal number of iterations is the only stopping criterion used to stop the power iteration.

  • absolute_tolerance (float, default: 1e-5) – absolute tolerance for the change of the operator-norm at each iteration; if set to zero, the maximal number of iterations is the only stopping criterion used to stop the power iteration.

  • callback (Callable[[Tensor], None] | None, default: None) – user-provided function to be called at each iteration


An estimaton of the operator norm. Shape corresponds to the shape of the input tensor initial_value with the dimensions specified in dim reduced to a single value. The pointwise multiplication of initial_value with the result of the operator norm will always be well-defined.

__add__(other: LinearOperator | Tensor) LinearOperator[source]
__add__(other: Operator[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]]) Operator[Tensor, tuple[Tensor]]

Operator addition.

Returns lambda x: self(x) + other(x) if other is a operator, lambda x: self(x) + other if other is a tensor

__and__(other: LinearOperator) LinearOperatorMatrix[source]

Vertical stacking of two LinearOperators.

A&B is a LinearOperatorMatrix with two rows, with (A&B)(x) == (A(x), B(x)). See mrpro.operators.LinearOperatorMatrix for more information.

__matmul__(other: LinearOperator) LinearOperator[source]
__matmul__(other: Operator[Unpack[Tin2], tuple[Tensor]]) Operator[Unpack[Tin2], tuple[Tensor]]

Operator composition.

Returns lambda x: self(other(x))

__mul__(other: Tensor | complex) LinearOperator[source]

Operator elementwise left multiplication with tensor/scalar.

Returns lambda x: self(x*other)

__or__(other: LinearOperator) LinearOperatorMatrix[source]

Horizontal stacking of two LinearOperators.

A|B is a LinearOperatorMatrix with two columns, with (A|B)(x1,x2) == A(x1)+B(x2). See mrpro.operators.LinearOperatorMatrix for more information.

__radd__(other: Tensor) LinearOperator[source]

Operator addition.

Returns lambda x: self(x) + other*x

__rmul__(other: Tensor | complex) LinearOperator[source]

Operator elementwise right multiplication with tensor/scalar.

Returns lambda x: other*self(x)