- class mrpro.operators.models.WASABI(offsets: Tensor, rf_duration: float | Tensor = 0.005, b1_nominal: float | Tensor = 3.7, gamma: float | Tensor = 42.5764, larmor_frequency: float | Tensor = 127.7292)[source]
]WASABI signal model.
- __init__(offsets: Tensor, rf_duration: float | Tensor = 0.005, b1_nominal: float | Tensor = 3.7, gamma: float | Tensor = 42.5764, larmor_frequency: float | Tensor = 127.7292) None [source]
Initialize WASABI signal model for mapping of B0 and B1 [SCHU2016].
- Parameters:
offsets – frequency offsets [Hz] with shape (offsets, …)
rf_duration – RF pulse duration [s]
b1_nominal – nominal B1 amplitude [µT]
gamma – gyromagnetic ratio [MHz/T]
larmor_frequency – larmor frequency [MHz]
[SCHU2016]Schuenke P, Zaiss M (2016) Simultaneous mapping of water shift and B1(WASABI)—Application to field-Inhomogeneity correction of CEST MRI data. MRM 77(2).
- forward(b0_shift: Tensor, relative_b1: Tensor, c: Tensor, d: Tensor) tuple[Tensor] [source]
Apply WASABI signal model.
- Parameters:
b0_shift – B0 shift [Hz] with shape (*other, coils, z, y, x)
relative_b1 – relative B1 amplitude with shape (*other, coils, z, y, x)
c – additional fit parameter for the signal model with shape (*other, coils, z, y, x)
d – additional fit parameter for the signal model with shape (*other, coils, z, y, x)
- Return type:
signal with shape (offsets *other, coils, z, y, x)