Source code for mrpro.phantoms.EllipsePhantom

"""Numerical phantom with ellipses."""

from import Sequence

import numpy as np
import torch
from einops import repeat

from import SpatialDimension
from mrpro.phantoms.phantom_elements import EllipseParameters

[docs] class EllipsePhantom: """Numerical phantom as the sum of different ellipses. Parameters ---------- ellipses ellipses defined by their center, radii and intensity. if None, defaults to three ellipses """
[docs] def __init__(self, ellipses: Sequence[EllipseParameters] | None = None): """Initialize ellipse phantom. Parameters ---------- ellipses Sequence of EllipseParameters defining the ellipses. if None, defaults to three ellipses with different parameters. """ if ellipses is None: self.ellipses = [ EllipseParameters(center_x=0.2, center_y=0.2, radius_x=0.1, radius_y=0.25, intensity=1), EllipseParameters(center_x=0.1, center_y=-0.1, radius_x=0.3, radius_y=0.1, intensity=2), EllipseParameters(center_x=-0.2, center_y=0.2, radius_x=0.18, radius_y=0.25, intensity=4), ] else: self.ellipses = list(ellipses)
[docs] def kspace(self, ky: torch.Tensor, kx: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Create 2D analytic kspace data based on given k-space locations. For a corresponding image with 256 x 256 voxel, the k-space locations should be defined within [-128, 127] The Fourier representation of ellipses can be analytically described by Bessel functions [KOA2007]_. Parameters ---------- ky k-space locations in ky kx k-space locations in kx (frequency encoding direction). Same shape as ky. References ---------- .. [KOA2007] Koay C, Sarlls J, Oezarslan E (2007) Three-dimensional analytical magnetic resonance imaging phantom in the Fourier domain. MRM 58(2) .. """ # kx and ky have to be of same shape if kx.shape != ky.shape: raise ValueError(f'shape mismatch between kx {kx.shape} and ky {ky.shape}') kdata = torch.zeros_like(kx, dtype=torch.complex64) for ellipse in self.ellipses: arg = torch.sqrt((ellipse.radius_x * 2) ** 2 * kx**2 + (ellipse.radius_y * 2) ** 2 * ky**2) arg[arg < 1e-6] = 1e-6 # avoid zeros cdata = 2 * 2 * ellipse.radius_x * ellipse.radius_y * 0.5 * torch.special.bessel_j1(torch.pi * arg) / arg kdata += ( torch.exp(-1j * 2 * torch.pi * (ellipse.center_x * kx + ellipse.center_y * ky)) * cdata * ellipse.intensity ) # Scale k-space data by factor sqrt(number of points) to ensure correct scaling after FFT with # normalization "ortho". See e.g. kdata *= np.sqrt(torch.numel(kdata)) return kdata
[docs] def image_space(self, image_dimensions: SpatialDimension[int]) -> torch.Tensor: """Create image representation of phantom. Parameters ---------- image_dimensions number of voxels in the image This is a 2D simulation so the output will be (1 1 1 image_dimensions.y image_dimensions.x) """ # Calculate image representation of phantom ny, nx = image_dimensions.y, image_dimensions.x ix, iy = torch.meshgrid( torch.linspace(-nx // 2, nx // 2 - 1, nx), torch.linspace(-ny // 2, ny // 2 - 1, ny), indexing='xy', ) idata = torch.zeros((ny, nx), dtype=torch.complex64) for ellipse in self.ellipses: in_ellipse = ( (ix / nx - ellipse.center_x) ** 2 / ellipse.radius_x**2 + (iy / ny - ellipse.center_y) ** 2 / ellipse.radius_y**2 ) <= 1 idata += ellipse.intensity * in_ellipse return repeat(idata, 'y x->other coils z y x', other=1, coils=1, z=1)